Home / Game / Players Battlefield 1 witnessed the opening of the gates of the underworld

Players Battlefield 1 witnessed the opening of the gates of the underworld

Игроки Battlefield 1 стали свидетелями открытия врат в преисподнююBattlefield 1 found a gateway to hell.

Several gamers is recorded on the video pillar of fire, wildly rotating around its axis.

Unlike other bugs, spinning in a fiery dance airship destroys everything within the blast radius. In the commercials shows that the pilots and ordinary soldiers of the infantry, who were not far from the yawning gates of hell, are absorbed with no chance for salvation.

And although the fire tornado is one of the bugs, which the developers and the gamers usually try to get rid of, fans of the shooter DICE he apparently liked. Animated image on Imgur has collected more than 2 million views. And the bill hits YouTube is in the tens of thousands.

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