Harrison Ford has sued Disney $ 2 million

Hollywood actor Harrison Ford has made compensation for a fracture of his leg in the filming of the continuation of the Saga Star wars. Actor Harrison Ford, who during the filming of the last episode of Star wars broke my leg, had made compensation for prichenennye injury. Her Foodles Production …

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Dmitry Gudkov: Our diplomacy is at an impasse

Russia made an unfortunate diplomatic error. Send open Orthodox center in Paris, Vladimir Medinsky, is a very weak move. We have also a more Orthodox patriot — Vitaly Milonov. At the same time it would be possible to raise the status of the new state Duma Deputy, to establish inter-parliamentary …

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How to deal with mold in the house

Fresh air is the main enemy of mold Often experts say that in the case of some global catastrophe, when the Earth will be nothing left alive, mold is the only form of life. Fungal in the rooms is not harmless, and if you notice on the walls of the …

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Russia and Syria have again bombed Aleppo

In the Eastern part of the city was caused by 20 strokes Russian and Syrian planes on October 13 launched new air strikes on the Syrian city of Aleppo. According to observers of human rights in Syria, based in London, more than 20 air strikes struck the Eastern part of …

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The Kremlin has criticized Hollande inhospitality

Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov clarified the circumstances relating to the cancellation of Putin’s visit to Paris. According to him, Putin in advance received an invitation from the French leader, after which the third party learned that Francois Hollande questioned the need for the meeting. “You prepare for this meeting, …

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