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Dmitry Gudkov: Our diplomacy is at an impasse

Дмитрий Гудков: Наша дипломатия зашла в тупик

Russia made an unfortunate diplomatic error. Send open Orthodox center in Paris, Vladimir Medinsky, is a very weak move. We have also a more Orthodox patriot — Vitaly Milonov. At the same time it would be possible to raise the status of the new state Duma Deputy, to establish inter-parliamentary ties. In General, in vain.

But seriously, our diplomacy has actually stalled. First center under the Church domes were open to Putin. He hinted that do not want to see at this ceremony in Paris, and in Russia urgently began the search for suitable candidates. It turned out that the bench is extremely small.

The authorities who can present on the export of cultural parts to somebody else agreed? On someone or give all tarnished in one way or another. Who is bogus dissertation, someone in your “geyrope” entrenched pedophiles, the Rothschilds shake the hands of the reptilians, well, very Strahovanie cases in the spirit of “kill, kill and kill” I do not take.

So Medina is Putin is a classic Soviet film “Volga-Volga”: “Take this marriage and give them different”. The country’s leadership and sympathizers the circles were not “people of culture to export”.

Even in the worst years of the Soviet Union, they were to recall Ilya Ehrenburg, too, by the way, Paris is not alien. And we have not now. On the one hand, is bad: no such diplomats country will not survive. On the other hand — they are, only represent not the state but society. And it perfectly shows the difference of one from another.

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