Ukrainian Fashion Week 2016: celebrity guests. Photo

Celebrity guests of the third day of Ukrainian fashion Week In the Ukrainian capital continues the main seasonal fashion show of Ukrainian Fashion Week, where designers show the trends of spring and summer 2017. Yesterday, October 14 in Kiev Mistecka Arsenal to look at the catwalks of such designers as …

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About 200 countries will reduce the use of greenhouse gases

Nearly 200 Nations signed the first legally binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gases, which are used in refrigerators and air conditioners. Almost 200 countries around the world on 15 October in Rwanda reached an agreement to reduce the use of greenhouse gases used in refrigerators and air conditioners. This was …

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Kicker Shia LaBeouf secretly married. Details

According to the portal TMZ, actor Shia LaBeouf and his girlfriend actress MIA Goth – this week got married. A small ceremony, costing no more than $700, was held in Las Vegas. Young people who have been together for several years, married man in the image of Elvis Presley. However, …

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Elena Kravets told, how to cope with twins

Elena Kravets was first told, how to cope with newborn children Actress of the Studio “Kvartal 95” Elena Kravets on 15 August 2016, became a mother of twins. Later it also became known as the family Kravets called children. It is now fashionable to choose unusual names. But the parents …

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SpaceX will send a Dragon cargo ships in 2017

Us company SpaceX intends to restore the production of freight and manned spacecraft Dragon. The first flight possible already in the beginning of next year. It is reported that Dragon and previously had large-scale application, but the contract with NASA does not allow several times to launch at the ISS …

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Hee hee for no reason – a sign durachiny

Russia was in the list of the most “serious” countries As it turned out, the Russians are not alone in their unsmiling — giving smiles right and left is not accepted in France, Japan and Iran.   A well-known stereotype: the Russians are unsmiling people. Common joke in Hollywood films, …

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The opposition of envy

The opposition of envy   Elena Kondratieva-Salguero In the entire universe not to say, I’m not sure, but on our little planet, our little humanity pushes progress is not an instinct of self-preservation, not love for mother nature and not sympathy to his neighbor. Instinct, love and compassion allow us …

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Neither born not dies

Minsk can’t die because it was never born. He is an active international legal instrument in much less than a Brest. 3 March 1918 the Bolshevik government of Russia signed a separate Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Central powers. 13 November of the same year the contract was officially cancelled, …

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The day of defender of the Fatherland Nazi

  Ukraine Maidan. The succession of generations… Today in Ukraine celebrate a new holiday – Day of defender of the Nazi Fatherland. The defender of the Fatherland day was February 23, but canceled, replacing a celebration in honor of the UPA – auxiliary punitive units of the Third Reich, created …

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