Home / Incredible / On Titan could be the conditions for the origin of life – scientists

On Titan could be the conditions for the origin of life – scientists

На Титане могут быть условия для зарождения жизни, - ученыеIn “slime” at the bottom of the seas of Titan discovered a special type of organic molecules.

Scientists from the United States introduced the hypothesis in favor of the emergence of life on Titan. About it write the Western news agencies.

According to specialists, investigation of the surface of one of the largest satellites of Saturn are held for more than ten years. During this period it was succeeded to learn that a heavenly body has its own – and rather high gravity, convenient for the development of living organisms.

Scientists have suggested that the satellite may have water in the subsoil, however, is to obtain information about this does not work due to the lack of information. The only contradiction is the low temperature in the atmosphere of a planet not suitable for life of the simplest bacteria.

Scientists from Cornell University state that cold is not a serious problem. Titan has a thick atmosphere, it often rains and there are all sorts of tectonic processes.

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