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On the surface of the moon can be the Russian Observatory

На поверхности Луны может появиться российская обсерваторияThe budget of this project amounts to 12 million rubles.

The initiative is called “LRO — lunar Observatory”. It involves the development of a program containing a perspective plan of research of the Sun, Earth and the cosmos from the Observatory from the surface of the natural satellite of our planet.

It is reported that the works will involve the specialists of space research Institute of RAS with the support of experts Astro space center of Physical Institute named Lebedev, Russian Academy of Sciences and the State astronomical Institute named after Sternberg.

In the description of work refers to “conduct astrophysical studies using low-frequency radio telescope study of cosmic rays, x-ray astronomy, optical observations, radio physical studies of solar radiation and emission of the Earth.”

Program to build a lunar Observatory should be developed before the end of next year. The budget of this project amounts to 12 million rubles. The actual creation of the Observatory on the moon will not begin until 2035-2040.

We also add that recently the Russian Academy of Sciences space, it was decided to resume the study of the moon using automatic Rovers. However, the timing of the launch of such devices is not reported.

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