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On the Kola Peninsula found pyramids, ancient Egyptian double

On the Kola Peninsula found pyramids, ancient Egyptian double

Published data and artifacts confirming the existence of an ancient civilization in the Russian North. Speech again went about the legendary Hyperborea.

На Кольском полуострове найдены пирамиды, вдвое древнее египетских
The scientists who discovered a new scientific expedition to the abandoned pyramids of the Russian North, claim that the age of these man-made structures is not less than 9000 years, which means that the pyramids of the Kola Peninsula twice as old as Egyptian. Therefore, we can say that civilization did not go with the South and North of our planet.

“In the expedition, told the TV channel “Culture” is the initiator and head of Yuri Kudinov, we took the most advanced geophysical equipment. She “sees through” the interior space of any objects, like x-rays. The conclusion of geologists was clear: the elevations are anthropogenic. That is, it is not natural hills, and pyramid – the work of human hands.

Moreover, three times they rebuilt – they have increased height. Inside each cavity the correct shape. There is, as yet unknown. Their functional purpose is pretty accurate Observatory that allows you to monitor the starry sky. By simple methods was a system by which our Ancestors recorded galactic changes and studied the Space. The tests showed that the age of this mysterious Observatory 9 thousand years.”

The famous scientist, doctor of philosophical Sciences and the author of 10 scientific and popular works, Vladimir Demin in 1997 made a second expedition to the Kola Peninsula. The first attempt was held long before him, in 1921, under the guidance of Professor, head of the laboratory of neuro-energetics of the all-Union Institute of experimental medicine, Alexandra Barchenko. “Sponsor” unusual for its time, the campaign became the OGPU, therefore, not surprising that the development was classified.

V. Demin, made a new attempt at the end of the century could for the first time to tell the General public about that for many years remained a mystery, particularly about the mysterious objects that have an anthropogenic origin, but did not. Scientist, returning from a trip, died suddenly…

In 2007 was carried out the third expedition in the legendary Hyperborean region. It was a journey in the footsteps of the expeditions of Alexander Barchenko and Vladimir Demin. Managed to find religious and defensive structures, plates with mysterious signs, and the ruins of an ancient Observatory.

According to modern followers of the Slavic Tradition, the pyramid was and still is one of the major components of the Gates of the Interworld, built by our Forefathers to establish spatio-temporal channels of communication between the planets and the Starry Palaces of the Universe. Named channels in the Vedas are called Celestial Threads, and represent some sort of laser beams created a special space-time cameras and radiated from the top of the pyramid into outer space. These rays-threads were allowed not only to navigate from planet to planet, but provided the audio and visual communication with other planets, Star palaces, and the crews of spaceships.

As a result of natural disasters of the pyramid, along with fragments of a former single continent, were distributed over the Face of the Earth otherwise than was ratio. This disrupted the interaction between the pyramids of the Earth and other planets pyramids.

Note also that some years ago the expedition of Russian scientists who have studied the Egyptian pyramids, came to the conclusion that they were built long before the rise of Egypt as such. In their construction utilized space technology, available not only to the ancient Egyptians, but modern science.

Only ignorance Egyptians used the pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs, unaware of the true purpose of these structures.

Russian scientists believe that the pyramids of Egypt, along with pyramids of Mexico, Russia (in particular, in the Crimea and on the Kola Peninsula) is an integral part of the global energy-information and space-time biocomputer that support life processes of the Earth and associated with the Cosmic Mind to support the vital functions of the Universe.

As you can see, our scientists have almost completely solved the mystery of the ancient pyramids of the Earth…

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