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On Mars, found the ancient volcanoes

На Марсе найдены древние вулканыThe red planet continues to gradually open to scientists of their innumerable secrets.

American scientists from the space Agency NASA discovered the volcanoes on Mars, which many years ago erupted from under the ice cover in the southern part of the red planet.

The assertion is justified on the basis of data provided by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

American scientists from Purdue University, which is located in the U.S. state of Indiana, using images provided by the space Agency NASA and by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, found volcanoes on the southern areas of the red planet that billions of years ago erupted from under the ice cover. This event confirms the presence of a huge square of ice on ancient Mars.

The researcher Sheridan Accesses together with colleagues has studied the composition of the surface in unusually textured area of the southern part of Mars called Sisyphi Montes with the help of mineral-mapping spectrometer orbital probe. Scientists are interested in the history of the stones and what they can “tell” the experts on the formation and change of a volcano over millions of years.

Scientific experts found on flat-top mountains sulfates, clays and zeolites are characteristic of the eruption of subglacial volcanoes minerals. Previously, scientists assumed that in appearance formation on the surface similar to the volcanic mountains on Earth.

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