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On Mars discovered a sensational find

На Марсе обнаружили сенсационную находкуUfologists found on Mars-an ancient Japanese tomb.

Ufologists found on the red planet unknown object of artificial origin, which is similar to the ancient Japanese tomb – the Imperial burial Kofun, Dating from the third century of our era.

According to scientists, the tomb cannot be created by natural processes.

They suggest that in ancient times on Mars lived unknown civilization, which subsequently either died or as a result of disasters went to seek fortune on other planets.

But NASA experts believe that discovered the hill nothing like a natural formation.

Officially, NASA does not recognize the existence of extraterrestrial life and alien civilizations. At the same time, scientists are constantly building a theory to the contrary, based on emerging photographic.

In addition, previously, scientists have found on Mars ancient sea shells, which suggests that this planet once was a huge ocean, and therefore life.

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