Home / Medicine / Nutritionists suggested that in some cases there is a false sense of hunger

Nutritionists suggested that in some cases there is a false sense of hunger

Диетологи подсказали, в каких случаях возникает ложное чувство голодаLook beautiful – this quirk of our consciousness, and the body is important only save energy and prevent hunger. Not surprisingly, this leads to a contradiction.

If the person starts a war with your own body, the body will resist and left in the body a lot of tricks by which he will insist on and make you eat when have not.

And sometimes the body is just wrong and requires is, when, for example, need to drink.

Below parsed the most frequent false triggering feelings of hunger.

1. A strict diet

With a healthy diet, we not only get rid of the calories, but also lose nutrients. The body realizes that is not getting “fair share” — and would require to compensate. And now – “only one bun for the night.

Solution: choose a balanced diet. Never settle only proteins, eat a rice or restrict your daily diet 700 calories – the body will panic.

2. Lack of sleep

Only a couple of hours of sleep – and the body from the early morning will require the carbs to quickly gain energy, which usually stores during sleep.

Solution: nothing can be done, need to sleep. For a couple of hours before bedtime, eat something light. Renounce everything that takes up your time for sleep. For those who live in the most developed regions of the world, it is possible to sleep only 1 hour using Japanese technology.

3. Stress

Under stress, some lose their appetite, while others eat and can’t stop. The reason so-called stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Easier – the body feels wrong, and stockpiled resources.

Solution: if the excitement you feel an irresistible urge to eat, you find a calming hobby. Of course, everyone is individual. Sew, listen to soothing music or go for a walk in the Park, try to get rid of the main causes of hunger – stress.

4. Metabolism

The faster your natural metabolism is, the more fuel your body needs.

Solution: trust your body. With a good metabolism extra you’re not scared. Need – increase the portion, the body will burn it down.

5. Lack of fluid

Trust, but verify. The body often confuses thirst and dehydration with hunger. A sure sign of the desire to eat something specific.

Solution: just add water! Drink every time think it’s time to eat. If the hunger persists, then do go.

6. The lack of vitamins and minerals

If you think your diet is all good, but you’re hungry, maybe it’s not the quantity, but in quality.

Solution: make sure that the food you are getting enough protein, fats and carbohydrates and in your diet enough fruits and vegetables. Add vitamin complexes.

7. Alcohol

Alcohol contributes to dehydration. Alcohol itself is caloric, drinking, even moderate, make us eat more junk food and generally eat more.

The solution: alternate wine with water, and it is better to drink water instead of wine.

8. Low blood sugar

When you experience hunger, blood sugar decreases naturally. In addition, to a drop in sugar levels can result in excessive consumption of sweets.

The solution: eat protein. Replace the bun with a piece of chicken breast.

9. The increase in physical activity

You have increased the consumption of energy at the gym? Correctly, the body will require compensation.

Solution: do not starve. But do not resort to fast food. Increase portions and eat in the evening two apples instead of one.

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