Home / Medicine / Nutritionists have called the main myths about healthy breakfasts

Nutritionists have called the main myths about healthy breakfasts

Диетологи назвали главные мифы о здоровых завтракахWhat should be the first meal, easy and low calorie or thick and hearty?

The debate on this subject do not cease since, as most of humanity concerned with healthy eating.

A hearty Breakfast

To the feeling of hunger reminded him of himself till the evening, many people try to start the day with a decent Breakfast and three course meal. However, to load the body with lots of food since the morning is not worth it. This can cause internal discomfort and sleepiness.


Breakfast fresh juices, fruit or vegetable salad with no added oil? Such food is not able to saturate your body as it is too low-calorie. In addition, sour fruits and berries can cause uncontrollable appetite and half an hour later you want something more substantial.


A Cup of hot coffee helps to Wake up. But to drink this drink on an empty stomach nutritionists do not recommend. It turns out that coffee increases the acidity of the stomach that can cause gastritis, heartburn and other problems with the digestive tract.

Dried fruits and honey

Dried fruit and honey is a healthy alternative to sweets. But all’s well that in moderation. Do not forget that these products, though useful, but very high in calories. Use them in small portions.


All the statements that muesli is the main source of vitamins and minerals, are an invention of marketers. In the production of cereal grains, lose much of useful properties. In addition, to improve the taste of the cereal, they add artificial sweeteners.

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