Home / Science and technology / Novosibirsk cardiologists created an artificial heart, in 3-5 times cheaper than the analogues

Novosibirsk cardiologists created an artificial heart, in 3-5 times cheaper than the analogues

Новосибирские кардиологи создали искусственное сердце в 3-5 раз дешевле аналогов


Novosibirsk cardiologists have developed an artificial heart pump for mechanical circulatory assist. The device is manufactured at a great from analogue technology, to reduce the likelihood of blood clots and reduce the cost of the device in 3-5 times.

“One of the advantages of such import substitution is the cost. European and Russian counterparts will cost from $150 thousand (about 9.8 million). Our will be much cheaper, about the price of 2-3 million rubles,” — said the cardiovascular surgeon research Institute of circulation pathology (Clinic Meshalkina) Alexey Fomichev.

According to him, the main difference Novosibirsk “heart” is that at the core of his work is not in vane, and the disk pump for the surface tension. This reduces the contact of the parts with blood and the risk of deadly blood clots. In addition, Siberian device is smaller, lighter and easier to implant.

According to the interlocutor of Agency, these devices are more often used as so-called bridge to transplant: it temporarily sets patients awaiting a new organ. Another category of consumers — elderly patients. To live with an artificial heart people, according to Fomicheva, maybe up to 30 years.

Currently, development is being tested. In autumn the planned device to be implanted in laboratory animals: a mini-pigou and, possibly, a calf. We will study the assessment of safety and effects on the blood.

Artificial heart presented at the forum “tehnoprom”. The news Agency TASS is the General information partner of the forum, which is held in Novosibirsk on June 9-10, 2016.

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