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Nine reasons that prevent sleep

Девять причин, которые мешают выспатьсяExperts have named the main causes that can hinder a good night’s sleep.

Good sleep improves quality of life, while sleep disorders undermine our health. Some things don’t give us a good night’s sleep, even if we do not realize.

We present to your attention some of the things that hinder us from sleeping:

1. Coffee

Caffeine in any form degrades the quality of sleep and makes it more superficial, and even for those who believe that a Cup of coffee does not prevent him from sleeping.

2. Phone

Many people are in bed continue to talk on the phone, send SMS or play games, but the light emanating from the screens of electronic devices violate circadian rhythms and does not normally sleep.

3. Alcohol

Some believe that one glass of wine before bed is not bad, but the researchers found that alcohol disrupts the quality of REM sleep that does not sleep required is 7-8 hours. Moreover, alcohol can cause more serious sleep disorders, so it is advisable to be extremely careful.

4. Salt

Eating salty foods at night, including nuts, chips and pizza, causes thirst, which will prevent you from falling asleep. If you before bedtime drink a lot of water at night will often have to visit the toilet, which will also prevent sleep.

5. Food

Preferably before bedtime do not eat anything “heavy”. The last meal should be at least two to three hours before bedtime.

6. Pills

Many cold remedies and flu contains pseudoephedrine — a drug that saves our level of energy and does not disconnect. If you want to relax and fall asleep, drink these medicines in the morning.

7. Sport

Playing sports should stop three hours before bedtime — it increases the body’s temperature, charge it with energy and hinder relaxation.

8. Work

Late loads stimulate the brain, causing unwanted stress, and he least of all need when going to sleep. It is better to leave work in the morning.

9. Animals

No matter how cute were your Pets, you should not sleep with them in bed. Cats and dogs often Wake their owners, which greatly reduces the quality of sleep.

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