Home / Incredible / NASA has cancelled maneuver apparatus of Juno near Jupiter

NASA has cancelled maneuver apparatus of Juno near Jupiter

NASA отменила маневр аппарата Juno возле ЮпитераThe maneuver of the American spacecraft Juno near Jupiter is canceled due to a malfunction.

Sent to Jupiter, the Juno spacecraft on October 19 was to include the engine and closer to Jupiter.

Now the process is postponed for December. As reported by employees of the space Agency, it is necessary to inspect the behavior of a set of valves of the system pressurization of the fuel tanks of the apparatus. The latest test results showed that the helium valve open for a few minutes, but had to open in a few seconds. These valves play a critical role in triggering the main engine.

This is the problem to be addressed by the NASA employees. Machine Juno was sent to Jupiter to gather information about the structure, atmosphere and magnetosphere of the planet and transfer the collected information back to Earth. Using these data, the specialists plan to find out whether Jupiter has a solid core.

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