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Named unexpected symptom of diabetes

Назван неожиданный признак сахарного диабетаDaytime sleep can be a symptom of type 2 diabetes.

Japanese physicians believe that a long NAP may be one of the symptoms of type II diabetes.

They found this relationship, analyzing the results of observations of more than 300 thousand patients.

British experts confirm that people suffering from chronic diseases, including diabetes, often to the middle of the day very tired.

However, the British did not agree that sleeping in the middle of the day can cause or contribute to the development of diabetes.

Japanese doctors have presented their work at the meeting of the European Association for the study of diabetes, held in Munich.

The main factor, in their opinion, is the duration of sleep. People who sleep during the day more than 60 minutes, the chance of getting type 2 diabetes by 45%. However, the relationship between diabetes and daytime sleep is less than 40 minutes no.

The structure of sleep

The researchers argue that long NAPs are often the result of a bad night’s sleep, which can be caused by a condition called sleep apnea. We are talking about the cessation of breathing for more than 10 seconds. With a longer breath, the body goes from deep sleep to a more superficial, sometimes waking.

Sleep apnea increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, other cardiovascular problems and metabolic problems, including type 2 diabetes.

Lack of sleep caused by excessive work or excessive entertainment, may lead to an increase in appetite, which also increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

But it is also possible that less healthy people, and those who already have diabetes, more tired and therefore more prone to sleep longer in the middle of the day.

Short NAPs on the contrary, increases concentration and motor skills, according to the study authors.

The first signs

Professor of the University of Glasgow, an expert on metabolism Naveed Sattar said bi-Bi-si, that there is considerable evidence that between sleep disorders and diabetes have a certain relationship.

“It is likely that those risk factors that can lead to diabetes, and also cause a desire to sleep during the day. Slightly elevated blood sugar levels, causing drowsiness, may be the first sign of diabetes,” he said.

“However, in order to determine how different structures of sleep affect human health, requires more detailed studies,” said Sattar.

At the same time, Dr. Benjamin Cairns of Oxford University believes that the results of the research of Japanese scientists should be approached with caution.

“It is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion about what is cause and what is effect, basing their work solely on clinical observations. These results do not exclude alternative explanations,” he said.

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