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Named unexpected cause of insomnia

Названа неожиданная причина бессонницыDoctors have identified an unexpected cause of insomnia in women.

Surely you remember that feeling when after a day of almost no forces barely crawls to his bed, anticipating a sweet dream. However, despite the deadly fatigue, sleep is impossible!

That just is not trying women who can’t fall asleep counting the stars, read boring books, drink warm milk as a child.

But the result is still listening to the snoring of her husband until nearly dawn. How then can we prepare for the next day full of worries and concerns?

Nutritionists in this case I advise to pay attention to your diet – if there’s enough fat? According to experts, excessive restriction of fat and the low fat craze products may, among other things, cause insomnia.

If all day you feel sleepy and as soon as your head hits the pillow, you desire to take a NAP immediately disappears, you should think about your daily diet, especially for all who observe new-fangled diets. They all affect the nervous system and increase the level of anxiety.

To help rectify the situation will help a few simple rules that will make the dream of long and strong, not reflected in this figure:

A harmonious blend of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the diet will preserve the harmony of shapes unchanged and saturate the body with necessary vitamins and microelements.

Sleep is necessary about the same time, accustoming the body to the same routine. It is an effective method!

The last major meal should be at least 3 hours before sleep time. Cup of yogurt, you can drink and a little later, much sleeping it will not affect.

It’s a fast walk. Every day before going to sleep you can walk with the beloved man in the evening Park. This will not only ensure a healthy sleep and also help to strengthen family relationships.

Intimacy is a great way to relieve stress and relax after a hard day. Do not deny yourself the pleasure!

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