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Named the most popular computer game Oct

Названа самая популярная компьютерная игра октябряGame Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has become the most popular on the PC platform.

This is stated in the report of a Reddit user.

Before the leader of the PC segment was sandbox Minecraft, which bought 24.5 million Steam users. It is noted that this is not an official report, and it may be a slight error. According to preliminary data, the indicators have reached 24 and 78 million This information was obtained from the service SteamSpy. Experienced users came to the conclusion that the reason for the change of leadership of the steel mass block players in CS:GO.

It is noted that after that, gamers began to register a new profile and buy the game again. But if we consider only this variant, it is worth noting the increase in the popularity of CS:GO for the last month of just 0.5% compared with September. As for console consoles, then for two years as a non-replaceable leader is action Grand Theft Auto V. In total has sold over 35 million copies. On the latest versions of PS4 and Xbox One the first place is Call of Duty: Black Ops III.

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