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Named the most healthy drinks that will prolong your life

Названы самые полезные напитки, которые продлят вам жизньScientists recommend to include in your diet these nine drinks.

The human body, as we know, is composed of 60% fluid. Water, enriching the cells with oxygen, daily updates them, thereby prevent obesity.

But it is important not only how much we drink but what we drink. Besides clean water, 2.5 liters which should drink every day, scientists recommend to include in your diet nine drinks that contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients

Mint tea relieves fatigue, enhances sleep, normalizes digestion and tones.

Green tea contains antioxidants and flavonoids, strengthens the cardiovascular system and bones, protects against cancer.

Soy milk is replete with amino acids, fights the “bad” cholesterol.

Milk with a small percentage of fat is rich in calcium, animal protein, and vitamin D.

Tomato juice contains lycopene, which helps fight cancer.

Orange juice strengthens the immune system, energizes, removing fatigue.

Cranberry juice is rich in benzoic acid, making affects the body like antibiotic.

Cocoa and hot chocolate, stimulating the production of hormones of happiness — endorphins, lift your spirits, as well as headaches.

Wetgrass — juice made from wheat grass rich in minerals and vitamins, and contained the antioxidants slow down the process of aging.

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