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Named the main symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women

Названы основные симптомы гормонального дисбаланса у женщинHow you can identify hormonal imbalance in women?

Malfunctions of the endocrine system is no less dangerous than dysfunction of other organs and systems.

It is therefore very important to learn to recognize the first signs of hormonal disorders.

rapid weight loss
Rapid weight loss on the background of the increase of appetite is often a symptom of disorders of the thyroid gland. In addition to reducing the weight of the human body are often concerned about a slight increase in body temperature, excessive sweating, trembling of the fingers, abnormal heart rhythm.
irregular menstruation
Unstable period can also be a clear sign of hormonal imbalance. Your periods may become irregular or Vice versa to go too long. While a woman can disturb a lot of pain. In some cases, a malfunction of the hormonal system can cause absence of menstruation for several months.
frequent mood changes
Quite often under the influence of hormonal background of the woman starts to get nervous without good reason. The irritability may be accompanied by bouts of aggression or melancholy. If this symptom is enhanced to delay a visit to the doctor is not necessary.
decreased libido
The characteristic symptom of hormonal failure in women is decrease in sexual desire. Hormonal disorders in the body cause indifference to the partner, lack of sexual desire and discomfort during intercourse.
skin rash
The appearance of small pimples on the face and body can also signal a hormonal failure. Very often to get rid of acne is almost impossible. So if you are experiencing difficulties in combating acne, be sure to visit endocrinologist.
brittle hair and nails
Brittle hair and nails are not always associated with lack of vitamins in the body. Such symptom is often hidden hormonal imbalance. Women who have faced this problem also has dry skin, and in some cases, dandruff appears.

Feel tired even after a short walk? Hand over the analysis on hormones, and consult your gynecologist and endocrinologist. Because this condition can be caused by not routine or seasonal changes, and hormonal disturbance in the body.

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