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Causes of hormonal failure in women

Причины гормонального сбоя у женщинThe doctors shared information about why some women faced violations of hormonal background.

A woman’s body is wired a little differently than men, and as her health depends largely on hormones. Hormonal balance in women is based on the allocation of hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, testosterone. In the case where the hormones are being secreted in excess or lack, fails, leading to lots of nasty consequences.

Basically, lack of hormones or the predominance of one of them in a woman’s body affects her skin, hair, nails as well as mental health. The first signs of hormonal failure are brittle and nails, hair loss, dandruff, skin rashes and dryness, depression, neurasthenia, menstrual disorders and so on.

It is known that a hormonal imbalance can adversely affect pregnancy. More precisely, the lack of progesterone and estrogen, or their overabundance can lead to premature delivery, miscarriage and the sinking of the fetus in the early stages. In fact, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause — this is the most important periods in a woman’s life, changing at the root of her hormones.

The main causes hormonal disruptions in the female body:

1. Abortion or any other surgical intervention related to gynecology.

2. The administration of hormonal contraceptives. Many women are taking such contraceptives on their own, without consulting a gynecologist. As a result of such negligent attitude to their health can occur in a hormonal imbalance, because of which there will be problems with conceiving a child in the future.

3. Bad habits. The woman was created for the continuation of their kind, but if she is abusing alcohol and tobacco, the chance of having healthy children she has come to naught, because it happens a hormonal imbalance and caused serious damage to the reproductive system.

4. Diet. Unreasonable methods resorted to almost all women with excess weight, sooner or later lead to hormonal issues. By the way, after strict diets are very hard to restore the level of hormones in the blood, so doctors recommend to choose more gentle methods of weight loss.

5. Stress. The mental state of women is the key to its overall health. If it is stress on a regular basis, then a hormonal imbalance is a complication that can occur at any time, complicating her life even more. So women it is important not to be nervous and to give more time to yourself, and everything else can wait.

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