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Named the fruits and vegetables that are good to eat with peel

Названы фрукты и овощи, которые полезно есть с кожуройIn the peel of the potato contains 5 to 10 times more antioxidants than the pulp.

Many people clean most fruits and vegetables from the skin, but thereby they deprive their useful nutritional properties. Experts in the field of healthy eating called the 5 products, which you must save the peel.

Apples. Peeling apples peeled, you thereby lose one of their main nutritional advantages of the soluble fiber pectin. Pectin helps reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol and keeps in stable condition, the blood sugar levels, so eat with the skin all apples.

Grapes. Indeed, the grapes contain significantly more pesticides than any other fruit. But still, it should not remove the peel, because it contains resveratrol is phytochemical, which is very good for the heart. If possible, buy organic grapes and eat it with the skin.

Potatoes. In the peel of the potato contains much more iron, fiber and folate than in the pulp. In reality, the skins of potatoes 5-10 times more antioxidants than the pulp.

Cucumber. You will be able to increase your intake of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A and K, if you use cucumber with the peel. As in many other fruits and vegetables, the peel of a cucumber contains a significant amount of highly healthy fiber, which not only promote digestion, but also provide a lasting feeling of satiety, preventing from overeating.
Eggplant. The peel of an eggplant contains a powerful antioxidant nasunin, which is extremely important for maintaining healthy brain tissue. Nasunin is a flavonoid, and if you consume a significant quantity, it is much less likely to gain weight.

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