Home / Incredible / Named the brightest astronomical events of October

Named the brightest astronomical events of October

Названы самые яркие астрономические события октябряIn October of this year there will be several cosmic events. Some can be seen on the sky with the naked eye.

Not having expensive equipment, people will soon be able to enjoy meteor showers. So, this month is expected to SUPERLINE. During this phenomenon the Moon looks very large, because of its approach to Earth. It will happen on October 16.

The phenomenon of “Black moon” can already be seen in the night of 1 October. The Draconid meteor shower will be able to enjoy 8 Oct. Meteorites will continue to fall after this date, however the intensity will not be so great. Very soon, the planet Uranus will be near the Ground. Unfortunately, without special equipment, to consider it impossible. The heavenly appearance to the surface it will look like a blue-green dot.

29 Oct quite close to each other are the planets Venus and Saturn, and this phenomenon can be seen without a telescope. On top of “star events” star Arcturus, dying, turns into a supergiant. In the West the constellation of Bootes it is the brightest. If you look at it through a telescope, you will notice a red tint.

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