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Named effective ways to strengthen the nervous system

Названы действенные способы укрепления нервной системы Five effective ways.

The nervous system is an important and complex part of the human body. It is a huge network that controls almost every aspect of life. Our ability to move, breathe, digest food, feel, feel it all complex functions of the nervous system. Any damage to the nervous system may cause troubles such as headaches, difficulty with concentration, memory and increased perspiration. How to strengthen the nervous system? Before you 5 natural ways.

1. Reduce stress

The human nervous system is divided into two branches: the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system. The first is included in the job when your body is relaxed. At this point, there are periods of recovery, such as digestion and sleep.

The sympathetic nervous system is more focused on action and when it’s activated, our body is ready to fight. Breathing becomes shallow, the pupils small, and the muscles tense.

When we are constantly actively working stress sympathetic nervous system. But the body is not adapted to long remain in this state. Thus, the nervous system is depleted. As a result, insomnia, frequent colds and other troubles.

The sympathetic nervous system also needs rest, so necessary in life to avoid stress.

2. Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are a powerful tool that enables more effective use of the parasympathetic nervous system. Simply put, a special breathing exercise give your body a deep signal that it can relax and enable your own healing ability.

Work with the breath is an integral part of yoga practice. Looking for a way to strengthen the nervous system? Like a yoga class focused on pranayama (breathing technique), because this practice is known for its positive results for thousands of years.

3. Diet for the human nervous system

The best way to strengthen the nervous system naturally is eating healthy foods.

The nervous system requires many nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. Especially useful omega-3 and other healthy fats, vitamin D, b vitamins and magnesium.

4. The training of the nervous system

Regular aerobic exercise has many benefits. Physical exercises have a profound impact on many biological systems in the body including the nervous system. In fact, physical activity will allow your body to relax. This is a great therapy for stress relief and insomnia.

5. Massage

Very nice approach on how to strengthen the nervous system. Regular relaxing massage has a wide range of health benefits. Specifically for the nervous system it helps to relax the parasympathetic nervous system even more.

6. Walking barefoot

It turns out, a barefoot walk for 30 minutes in a natural environment (sand, grass, etc.) is very beneficial for the nervous system. And the reason is that when your foot is in contact with the surface of the earth the positive effect is achieved by the interaction of the body and the electrons of the earth. Especially useful for such walks in the morning.

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