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Named bath recipes cellulite and before a date

Названы рецепты ванн от целлюлита и перед свиданием Baths on all occasions: five of the best recipes for beauty and mood.

How often we need to relax or, conversely, to be collected and that is called, fully armed. For example, after returning from work tired and in a bad mood, want to relax and regain a sense of joy of life. Or need to be in good shape before some important and crucial meeting, a date.

In each case, the assistance may come bath, prepared according to special recipe. Here are five of the most useful ideas of the baths, which not only will help to regain strength, but also gets rid of cellulite and will prepare you for the date.

Bath to relieve fatigue

Add in the prepared water 5-6 drops of tea tree oil. This bath will help to relieve fatigue and great cheer. But those who need a good night’s sleep, you should take a bath with pine extract to calm the nervous system, relieve tension of a difficult day, to ensure a healthy and sound sleep and soften the skin.

Bathtub to happiness

Will provide the perfect mood Apple cider bath. Cook it simple: hot water is poured in a little Apple cider vinegar and try to get some pairs. Then add water to liquid soap or foam and begin long to take a bath.

Bath cellulite

Will help to improve the shape bath with added oils of grapefruit or red orange. Should just add 5 drops of the oil in water to prepare a bath of cellulite! If you have dry skin is to add water to rose oil. Lying in the bath, massage with constantly steamed body (especially problem areas), then completely relax and enjoy the fun.

Bath before a date

Before a date could take a bath by adding a few drops of oil of ginseng to look and feel refreshed and vigorous. This bath will make your skin smooth and silky.

Bath before bed

A bath with Melissa oil and lavender adopted before bedtime, will help to calm down and relax. A calming and soothing effect will provide a bath of sea salt and chamomile.

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