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Middle East: US go and beat all of the dishes


Ближний Восток: США уходят и бьют за собой всю посуду
Photo: Politrussia.com

29 Sep 2016 Congress and the U.S. Senate held a historic vote. They overcame the veto of President Barack Obama on “the law of 9/11”, in which American citizens and businesses can now submit their claims to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Still in the process of discussion of the Ministry of foreign Affairs KSA gave to understand that with this decision, the United States will cause irreparable damage to their allied relations and will cause the Kingdom to reconsider its foreign policy doctrine. But all in vain. The Americans decisively turned a page that you wrote over 40 years ago.

This time the beginning of the crisis

By the end of the Second world war (WWII) Europe was in ruins and 70% of the world’s gold reserves stored in the United States. These two factors have allowed Washington to impose on the world its main surrender, bringing a line under the two world wars. The Bretton woods system marked the beginning of dollar hegemony the fed. Yet on the basis of “gold standard”. At first it seemed that this system will live a long time.

These were the years (late 1940s — early 1960s) in the United States was considered the best. Or gold when they have enough money for all “and on guns and butter”, and the average American family to live in full prosperity with one working family member.

But by the late 1960s the situation changed dramatically. The global financial system zashtormilo. The cost of the war in Vietnam led to the fact that the U.S. dollar became cheaper. Stood up Europe gradually grew stronger and began to demand that the U.S. respect the world they also imposed rules. And one day she demanded the exchange of dollars, which in the Old world has accumulated a lot of gold.

First France did, and then pulled up, and others. And in Washington realized that the system needs to be changed, until she was buried so hard and with such huge sacrifices imposed on the world dollar.

In may 1973, was a regular meeting of the Bilderberg club, which discussed the sharp rise in oil prices and “how to live”. And in October of the same year, the financial world shuddered. The announcement of the oil embargo resulted in the quadrupling of prices. Coincidence?

If so, very timely.

And then there was a meeting of U.S. Secretary of state Henry Kissinger and king of KSA Faisal, after which, as we understand it, they could not agree.

8 June 1974, U.S. Secretary of state Henry Kissinger signed the agreement on establishment of us-Saudi Arabian joint Commission on economic cooperation, and in December, it signed a secret agreement that all of the “extra” revenues from the sale of oil Saudi Arabia will invest in American securities. The era of the petrodollar, and with it the Golden ancestor could say goodbye.

15-17 November 1975, in Rambouillet at the first meeting of the then “big six” gold dollar was finally buried.

In the end, Saudi Arabia turned to the United States in one of its most important allies. The elites of the two countries have become best partners, friendships which could not dampen the wave of Islamic fundamentalism (created by the Saudis at the request of Washington), nor the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Then you can argue: the Americans themselves have made or been asked to help his faithful ally.

Really doesn’t matter. Importantly, there was no such service that would have provided Americans their loyal Bedouins.

New challenges

Since then it has been more than 40 years. The world during this time much has changed. There is no more Soviet Union, but instead Washington came just two huge problems: the EU and China. And yet a new Russia, which proposed the idea to become the third and a very important link in the creation of a powerful economic Union from Lisbon to Beijing. And in this Union, Washington with their $ was clearly unnecessary.

First hit the United States struck in Brussels. Only the Soviet Union fell, as France and Germany, having lost its main enemy, has announced the creation of a new global player, the EU, scientific production and economic potential which is not inferior to the American, and the growth potential was clearly higher.

And in 2007 in Munich, Russia has shown strong teeth, and in the following year in a three-day war in Georgia has forced Washington to retreat. But the worst was the fact that the EU and Russia by this time, found common ground and began to build a horizontal economic ties.

And China has taken Russia’s game and started to help her build a Great Eurasian Union.

USA missed the rise of Russia. Marsh has shown that the liberal “opposition” in Russia can no longer perform the functions of the fifth column and slowly turns into a clown. Hastily organized in Ukraine, the Maidan, although it led to temporary success, but strategically, to solve the problem failed. By the beginning of 2016, it became obvious that Moscow has moved in a decisive attack and only a matter of time, when in Kiev will be signed the capitulation. Meanwhile, Russia has returned to the middle East and turned it “upside down”.

Ally becomes unnecessary

In 1991 it was defeated in Iraq. Immediately after the USSR collapsed. Iran was licking its wounds from the Iran-Iraq war and was not dangerous and so far Turkey has been a staunch ally. US power over the region was full.

The biggest problem the United States at that time, as we remember, was Europe, the reviving power which should have been nipped in the Bud. The easiest way to do this was through the destruction of all existing projects to deliver on it resources and avoiding creating new ones.

Hence the establishment of a quarantine band in Eastern Europe, which is based on Poland and Kiev, was reliably isolate the EU from land routes for the delivery of raw materials.

Also, Washington has managed to create in the middle East, a permanent zone of instability, which dramatically exacerbated the problems of the Old continent. The war of all against all under the leadership of the United States lasts from the moment the first American plane crashed into the building of the world trade center towers in new York, a us official presented UN the washing powder in the vial.

Over the past 15 years was defeated Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Syria. Within the deserts were generated by LIH*, and Kurdistan has become a fact. Each of the regional leaders now had a headache, which they could solve only with the help of the United States.

But because the problem was not solved for years. What a great scheme.

And, as always, messed up Russia. For the year of the Syrian campaign, Moscow managed to bind themselves not only Iran but also Turkey and Saudi Arabia, surrounded by a ring of enemies, was forced to make concessions. Russia is gradually destroyed everything that was created in the region over two decades of continuous struggle for “democracy”: “prospectively” lumps of contradictions between the two countries, militant groups, etc., the U.S. was forced to recognize that this stage of the struggle they lost and it was time to go to plan B, which they prepared in advance. As expected, during the retreat, everything that you cannot carry with you, have to burn to get to the enemy and made him stronger.

So not fetch you to anybody

It is in vain, the Saudis today are offended by Washington. USA always did: as soon as the ally becomes a liability and he’s no good, they throw it. Same way sir-Riyad. Realizing that the fight against Eurasia is serious and can result in temporary retreat, the Americans were preparing rear positions. Calculations showed that if Eurasia will have to leave and burn themselves, then you need to take care of the critical sources of raw materials for their country in the Western hemisphere.

Since the mid-2000s and adopted a strategy for the development of domestic sources of raw materials on the North American continent. Geological studies have been conducted previously. They showed that North America is rich in oil and gas, but their extraction is not profitable, unless you create new technologies and not be found the money for their initial implementation.

The money given the price boom years 2005-14. It was he allowed to create a new cluster in the hydrocarbons market.

It is noteworthy that unconventional methods of hydrocarbon production were developed only in USA and Canada. In other States they have not worked. There’s still Venezuela, but she is also in the Western hemisphere and can be considered as a reserve for a rainy day.

Up today we have the first LNG carrier with a gas from the US to the UK and the almost complete self-sufficiency oil the North American continent. This was the verdict of Saudi Arabia, which in the end it was decided also to Rob.

As was previously robbed other oil-producing countries.

So, it’s been 40 years. The petrodollar, as prior to this, gold dollar, stopped working and today, the United States is thrown into the dustbin of history. Circumstances force them to change strategy and go (and they hope temporarily) from the Middle East. As expected, the invader, the Americans for trying to leave a scorched earth. And it makes no difference that the land belongs to the country which was yesterday, their most faithful ally. As they say, nothing personal.



* A terrorist organization banned in Russia


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