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Microsoft moves to solar power

Microsoft переходит на солнечную энергиюMicrosoft puts half of the data centers at alternative energy sources.

The search giant Microsoft has quite a large number of data centers around the world.

The company has set a goal of 2017 to transfer half of all data centers on clean energy, in order to have a positive impact on the environment.

This was announced by the President of Microsoft company (not to be confused with the CEO) Brad Smith. He noted that currently about 44% of all data centers use energy, which is produced by the net (sun, wind, water).

Microsoft’s goal is to 2017 to increase this percentage to 50%, and before the start of the next decade, more than 60% should work on inexhaustible resources. Smith also added that in addition to energy from the sun, wind and water, Microsoft explores other energy sources, like biogas or fuel cells.

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