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The main differences between a stroke from a minor stroke

Who is at risk. Though the concept of “mini-strokes” in medicine does not exist, it is often used, both practitioners and patients, to determine the status of the person. A minor stroke means the same disorders in the brain and in stroke, but with less force. Doctors say that successful …

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How to get rid of toxic thoughts

Positive thinking – the key to good health. Suddenly the temperature rose, pressure fell ill. Stumbled, fell, broke her heel or hurt calenco. Why? The inner feeling that something is wrong? You do not seem! Maybe you have a few days in a row I Wake up feeling very tired …

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Scientists have uncovered the cause of alcohol dependence

A study by American scientists. Research scientists from the US published in the Journal of Neuroscience, showed that alcohol consumption alters the structure and function of neurons in the striatum of the brain. Alcoholism is a very common disease, but the mechanism of its development have not been well studied. …

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Exercises, able for a month to “tighten” the body

Taut booty to the holiday season. In our time, when the lush female figure pushed irrevocably out of fashion anorexicas shape, or rather the lack thereof, the question of how to achieve the perfect Brazilian priests have acquired a special urgency. It has long been proven that the flaws are …

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These products can cause the yellowness of the teeth

They should not be abused. Yellow teeth can be a reason for disturbances and psychological complexes. If you want to avoid this defect, you need to know its causes. Here are six foods that cause yellow teeth. 1. TeaTea contains a high concentration of tannins (a group of phenolic compounds …

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How to “clean” the body with lemons

They are very useful. In the last few years, people began to pay more attention to their nutrition and health, there is increasing interest in individual rehabilitation. We are constantly searching for recipes, products and any information about what they eat, just to look and stay healthy as long as …

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Brown bread may protect from myocardial infarction

This is due to the b vitamins. Learned about it recently, Japanese scientists, and with them — and carefully reading all of mankind. It turned out that the b vitamins in this bread — full, save you from the risk of myocardial infarction. It became known from the results of …

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Another factor that increases the risk of hypertension

Polluted air can be very dangerous. The effects of air pollutants (car exhaust, dirt and dust significantly increases the risk of hypertension. To such conclusion experts from China, after analyzing the data of 17 studies published previously. They were attended by a total of 108000 patients with hypertension and healthy …

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These five foods can cause diarrhea

They should be used with caution. In one not so fine day you realize that not really want to stray too far from buildings with well-maintained toilet and just feel bad — diarrhea. In this case, before you as if “nothing” didn’t eat, and friends do not complain of the …

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