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Brown bread may protect from myocardial infarction

Черный хлеб может уберечь от инфаркта миокардаThis is due to the b vitamins.

Learned about it recently, Japanese scientists, and with them — and carefully reading all of mankind. It turned out that the b vitamins in this bread — full, save you from the risk of myocardial infarction. It became known from the results of the study with the participation of nearly 60 thousand people conducted by experts at the University of Osaka (Japan).

Perhaps analysis of such a huge statistical material on the impact of b vitamins, particularly B6 and B9 (folic acid) can put an end to the numerous disputes in the medical world about their impact on heart health – they say, whether there is a benefit, and whether it is not.

The authors of this work has convincingly demonstrated that a greater level of these vitamins in our daily diet significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In rye or oatmeal bread and wheat bran in a lot of b vitamins, as there are many, however, vegetable protein, minerals, fiber, and so necessary to us, in the light of current ideas in nutrition for excellent health. According to experts of the Embassy of medicine, the habit of eating brown bread, still so widespread in Russia, can turn the Russians into a healthy nation right before our eyes and just for a penny, unless, of course, to undertake a slice of rye whole world.

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