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These bad habits can cause heartburn

With this problem faced by many. Heartburn — a burning sensation behind the breastbone, along the esophagus. Mainly heartburn happens when the acidity of gastric juice, appears 30-45 minutes after a meal as a result of reflux of acid stomach contents into the esophagus, sometimes on an empty stomach. Medical …

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The doctors told me how I learn to Wake up early

These tricks will help you to get up early. Psychologists and psychologists in one voice say: Wake up before it is useful, from whatever side you look. Yes, but how to convince your body that does not want to listen to intelligent advice? Experts tell you how to deceive themselves. …

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Simple ways to lower cholesterol

Cholesterol is needed by the human body but excess of it is clearly harmful. First, a little theory. Than it is bad, that cholesterol? The truth is, he’s not that bad. And even useful for our body. However, this is only the case if it is little. Otherwise, the excess …

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Named the most useful teas for women’s health

These three types of tea will help you feel great, to have a beautiful figure and to lose weight quickly. Three kinds of tea three important functions for the female body. Learn about the benefits and the need of each for health, youth, rapid weight loss and beautiful figure. BLACK …

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Called ways to get rid of nasolabial folds

Experts told how to get rid of nasolabial folds. The reasons for the formation of pronounced nasolabial folds a lot – a sharp decline in weight, swelling, sleep in the wrong position (face down in the pillow), weakness and spasms of muscle fibers. Self-massage and the regular repetition of simple …

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Experts told how to escape from mosquitoes

How to escape from the annoying mosquitoes in summer. They spoil our holiday not only in nature and near water, but also tired, even in high-rise buildings. However, the fight against the bloodthirsty insects. In what way ? Why some people get bitten by mosquitos more often and others less …

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As a cheap drink to cleanse the liver

The doctors talked about to all drink, cleansing the liver. Our body is almost always full of toxins due to daily life and low consumption of healthy food. Today on the shelves in supermarkets are mostly junk food. We consume unhealthy foods in fast food restaurants. All this leaves a …

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Named the main danger of a home mold

Doctors told how dangerous home mold. Children who live in damp houses with mould, most of his peers suffer from asthma, hay fever and other allergic diseases, European scientists warn. An international team of researchers analyzed 61 the work on the effects of mold and fungi on the health of …

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