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How useful grenades for women

Pomegranates – one of the most useful products for human health. The experts were able to detect the useful property of pomegranate for women’s health. They suggest not to ignore this fruit and eat it as often as possible. The study, recently conducted by the professionals, they found out that …

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Lying down after sex does not help women to get pregnant

A woman can not influence the process of fertilization.Leading scientists came to the conclusion that the lying on the bed after intercourse does not help the fairer sex to get pregnant. The researchers argue that to obtain new information scientists have studied the many cases where girls have been fertilized …

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Simple ways to lower blood pressure without medication

From sudden changes in the weather often affects people with high blood pressure. To normalize pressure and relieve symptoms recommend several folk remedies. But before applying, be sure to consult your doctor. 1. Lemon Potassium, magnesium and other useful substances in the composition of lemon has a beneficial impact on …

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These products have a rejuvenating effect

The scientists concluded that diet is one of the most important factors of health status. We are ordinary people who are watching their health, can make the same conclusion: light, balanced nutrition is the key to good health, respectively, the prolongation of life, the healthy condition of the cells. But …

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Basic signs by which to recognize lung disease

Chest pain, prolonged shortness of breath and chronic cough are a few common symptoms of lung diseases. Experts called signs, which clearly indicate problems with respiratory system. Prolonged shortness of breath. Regardless of why you have shortness of breath from climbing stairs or performing daily chores – it can be …

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Foods that prevent cancer

To prevent disease is much easier than to treat it. Watch your health, because it is priceless. To avoid the development of cancer will help eating foods that are natural killers of cancer. Garlic Garlic because of specific compounds increases the activity of cells of the immune system that is …

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What is so harmful sweets for children

Confectionery can be very harmful for children because they can lead to increased blood pressure and even seizures. An example of this is the recent case of 10-year-old boy who suffered from seizures, eating popular licorice candy. The prevalence of these chocolates around the world due to the fact that …

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With a man in bed it is better not to speak

During sex with a man is better to speak less and do more. Let’s start with the fact that in bed all the talk is almost irrelevant. They are distracting and do not adjust at the process. If a couple of words or even interjections to have you, certain phrases …

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Sweeteners more dangerous than you think

Artificial sweeteners trigger obesity and insomnia As objects of experiment, Australian scientists chose fruit flies and mice. In the use of sweeteners in the nervous system of experimental arose due responsible for the perception of insufficient caloric natural sugar. Therefore, the animals created the false impression that they are malnourished, …

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