Home / Medicine / Basic signs by which to recognize lung disease

Basic signs by which to recognize lung disease

Основные признаки, по которым можно распознать болезни легкихChest pain, prolonged shortness of breath and chronic cough are a few common symptoms of lung diseases.

Experts called signs, which clearly indicate problems with respiratory system.

Prolonged shortness of breath. Regardless of why you have shortness of breath from climbing stairs or performing daily chores – it can be a cause for concern. Especially must be guarded in the case if you suffer from shortness of breath for a long time, and it occurs even at rest. All of this can be a sign of serious lung problems. Prolonged shortness of breath is accompanied by bronchitis, asthma, severe kinds of heart disease and COPD.

Excessive secretion of mucus. We don’t usually pay attention to the wet cough, which produces mucus. However, if it lasts more than three months, you should consult with your doctor, as this cough can be a symptom of lung problems. If it is also accompanied by shortness of breath, then we can talk about COPD.

Blood in the sputum. One of the most alarming symptoms of serious lung problems. Changes in color of phlegm is a lot of talk about health, indicating the beginning of a bacterial infection and pneumonia, as well as the signs of tuberculosis and lung cancer. In any case, you can not delay and you must see a doctor.

Chest pain. Do not assume that chest pain is merely a symptom of a heart attack. If you experience a sharp shooting pain in the chest, in which you have shortness of breath, cough or runny nose, it could be a symptom of a bacterial or viral infection of the lungs. In rare cases, these symptoms indicate clots in the arteries of the lungs, which blocked blood flow. A pulmonary embolism – a fatal complication.

Whistling and wheezing when breathing. Without a doubt, these are symptoms of the decrease of the functional lung, which suggests that those bodies is much more difficult to breathe due to narrowing of the air passages or the blockade of an artery by foreign matter. In most cases the whistles and wheezing with breathing associated with various inflammations like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, allergic reactions, tumors or other serious problems.

Chronic cough. Last but not least is a sign that your lungs are under threat. The cough is quite often accompanied by different kinds of infections from colds and flu, but it should disappear within two to three weeks after their completion. If this does not occur, and the cough lasts more than 8 weeks, it is suspicious. This symptom can indicate a variety of chronic illnesses from bronchitis to tuberculosis.

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