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Low blood pressure: 7 possible reasons

Hypotension may develop for a variety of reasons. Hypotension (scientifically – hypotension) is a condition when the measurement of pressure tonometer shows the numbers below 105/70 mm Hg. article Usually accompanied by weakness, dizziness, headaches, nausea. 1. There are people who have low blood pressure is an inherent feature of …

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Some useful properties of mineral water

Useful properties of mineral water because it contains dissolved minerals that are in the groundwater. A huge number of advantages of this drink don’t know everything. 1. Calcium Mineral water contains a lot of calcium. This is a special “plus” for those people who cannot consume dairy products rich in …

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How to sleep to avoid wrinkles

Every woman dreams of a beautiful skin without wrinkles. How to achieve the desired result? You can try hundreds of wrinkles creams, various masks and beauty treatments. But this will not give the desired effect, if You sleep wrong. 1. You must create the right climate in the room. This …

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Why underwear need to dry in the street

Humidity increases the risk of in the house mold spores. According to scientists from the University of Manchester and drying clothes indoors can not only be harmful to people prone to allergies, but also start a chain of dangerous events. Remember the American actress Brittany Murphy, who died in 2009 …

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These are the most common mistakes in first aid

Wounds that cannot be watered with iodine, and the frostbitten skin – rubbing. 1. Burns it is impossible to smear with oilThe oil creates on the wound film, the greenhouse effect, oxygen has no access to the burn, the wound will not heal and the pain will only intensify.Right:It is …

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These drinks and foods are good for strengthening your heart

Hot weather – a real test for the heart and vascular system, to strengthen them, experts recommend eating more parsley and tomatoes, and from time to time to “recharge” the immune cocktail. “In summer, the load on cardiovascular system increases significantly, but at the same time, in the summer there …

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Unusual and shocking ways to lose weight

To lose weight, you can use a not quite ordinary and familiar to all methods. Ignoring the rules of etiquette Scientists from Brigham young University (USA) propose to ignore the rules of etiquette — to crunch, slurp and eat loudly. So, in their opinion, it is possible to control the …

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