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Office habits can harm your health

Do not ignore their danger. As most of the day working moms basically spend in the office, during this time, they manage to get the unconscious habits that can have a negative impact on health. 1. Lunch at the workplace Lunchtime is not only for eating, but for the rest, …

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The doctors told me how cinnamon affects the brain

Cinnamon can make a person smarter. New data obtained by scientists from the Medical center rush University show that cinnamon can make people smarter. Research has revealed that cinnamon affects certain proteins in the brain, allowing the slower pupils, consuming a spice, can process new information faster. According to experts, …

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The best sources of vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency can be very dangerous. Until recently it was believed that the sun and meat are the only source of vitamin D. However, we now know that there are many other ways to compensate for the deficiency of this crucial vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to problems …

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Experts told how dangerous Teflon pans

Their use can cause arthritis. Teflon pans is practical and convenient. But substances that are present in the coating composition, have long suspected harmful effects on human health. It turns out that elevated levels of these substances in blood is associated with the development of arthritis. Experts have found that …

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Scientists have described how Smoking affects genes

An interesting study by British scientists. Changes in activity of more than a hundred genes that are associated with Smoking, persist for many years even after parting with addiction. To such conclusion the canadian researchers as a result of genetic analysis of samples of the epithelium of the lungs of …

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Named berries that can substitute the pills

Berries have many useful properties. In season berries, you need to seize the moment and use them in right quantity to not only enjoy a desirable taste, but to get the maximum benefit. Do not take the berries only as a tasty treat and unsurpassed light dessert. We propose to …

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The scientist told about the hazardous properties of gluten

The research of neuroscientist David Perlmutter. Daily nutrition is one of the main factors that affect the health of the body. Discussion on the impact of different substances in foods and GMOs last for a long time. In recent years, increasingly among people watching their diets, discusses the dangers of …

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Escape from the heat in the house, transport, work

Relevant information for all who are tired from the heat. Heat an ordeal for the body. It is especially difficult in the heat is the people who remain in the city. Experts offer advice on how to escape from the heat transport, the apartment is without air conditioning, on city …

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Tibetan doctors shared the secrets of blood purification

Blood purification can prevent many health problems. Tibetan doctors believe that the prevention of many diseases starts with cleansing. And above all — cleansing blood, the presence of which the foreign component was detrimental to the state of the whole organism. We offer you the TOP-3 recipe of Tibetan medicine, …

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