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Named berries that can substitute the pills

Названы ягоды, способные заменить таблеткиBerries have many useful properties.

In season berries, you need to seize the moment and use them in right quantity to not only enjoy a desirable taste, but to get the maximum benefit. Do not take the berries only as a tasty treat and unsurpassed light dessert. We propose to consider the berries from the point of view of their medicinal properties for the body.

For the kidneys and liver
Watermelon is a well-known and widely used berry for the kidneys. The main thing to remember as a favorite medication, it is necessary to know the measure and do not overdo it.Also for the kidneys will be useful broth hips, cowberry leaves, and fruit drinks of cranberries, strawberries.
And for the liver will be ideally suited decoctions of elderberry and such a treat, like strawberries.

To view
Everyone knows about the benefits of blueberries for eyes and that it can help to adjust and maintain visual acuity. But few people know that such properties and black currants, and strawberries, viburnum, hawthorn, and bilberry.

Against stress
Not necessary to drink soothing after a hard day, enough to eat a handful of strawberries, dugouts, also peaches, apricots and grapes. which are relaxing and calming effect on the nervous system.

Special berries
I want to stress the useful properties of common berries, which are not so often spoken about — is that strawberry, black currant and cranberry, which normalize cholesterol and blood glucose, improves the blood, helps lower blood pressure, possess anti-inflammatory properties and provide your body with the necessary nutrients.
Seasonal berries is a storehouse of useful micro – and macronutrients, which are a revitalizing way to the body artificially created vitamin-mineral complexes.

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