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The scientist told about the hazardous properties of gluten

Ученый рассказал об опасных свойствах глютенаThe research of neuroscientist David Perlmutter.

Daily nutrition is one of the main factors that affect the health of the body. Discussion on the impact of different substances in foods and GMOs last for a long time.

In recent years, increasingly among people watching their diets, discusses the dangers of gluten, which is present in baked goods.

Neuroscientist David Perlmutter in his book “Food and the brain” described how gluten causes problems with the brain, depriving people of the opportunity to preserve the memory and intellect to a great age.

Insidious lectins

Every day on our table are natural enemies. It is primarily lectins — the special connection of proteins that are present in plant seeds and protect them from bacteria and fungi, inhibiting the life processes of the latter. Scientists have shown that lectins are also applied to the human gut, destroying him. The most common lectins — gluten wheat, rye and barley. When they get in our body is disruption of the normal digestive processes. Proven what many people have long suffered from gluten intolerance, it can cause allergies and diseases of the small intestine.

Gluttony glue

Gluten can still be called grain “glue”. It is a protein that connects the grains of the flour when making baked goods. Gluten helps dough remain loose and lifting.

It is contained in wheat, rye, barley, spelt, Kamut, bulgur, and other grain. This is perhaps the most common additive included in the composition of the products and even personal hygiene.

Soft cheese, margarine, sauces, gravies, hair conditioners, mascara for volume lashes — all contain gluten.

If you are interested to see what gluten is, just make a bread ball, and then rinse it under running water. Unpleasant sticky mass, which will remain in the hands, and eat gluten free.

The stickiness of the gluten prevents absorb nutrients. Under its action the food turns into a pasty substance, is poorly digested and irritating the walls of the small intestine. As a result of the person there are a variety of digestive disorders.

And do we need carbohydrates?

Today it is difficult to imagine our dinner with no carbs. Products with their contents littered the shelves. But do we need so many? Long-term studies show that the human need for carbohydrates is very low. Much more important for the brain, for example, fats. However, many of us believe that to eat foods containing fats and being overweight is the same. In fact, we get fat not from fat, but from an excess of carbohydrates in the diet.

Improper food

Not so long ago scientists have made a phenomenal discovery. It turns out that the bad carbohydrates, including gluten, not only affect weight, but also on the brain and even the development of genetic diseases. It is easy to explain: our genes affect not only digestion, but the reaction on a variety of products. Today confirmed the fact that the introduction of wheat grain into the human diet for many hundreds of years ago to influence the future generation and the current deterioration of the health of the brain. Modern man eats in a year about 65 kg of food from wheat that has been pre-processed and subject to genetic modification. We eat are not the same grains that feed the first farmers, causing substantial harm to your body.

Gluten and brain disease

One of the biggest nightmares of modern humans — a brain disease, e.g. Alzheimer’s disease. Today, she’s starting to hurt even relatively young people. Many believe that the disease is inherited. And if you have a family no one suffered, you can be calm. But it is not so. If you have chronic headaches, constant depression, sharp mood swings, then you also fall into the risk group. And to blame the food you eat. First and foremost, grain. Brain disease starts with your daily consumption of bread. And fructose (the natural sugar found in fruit) and other sugars accelerate the aging process of the body. And it’s not science fiction, but documented fact.

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