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Named a good reason to drink mineral water

It has many useful properties. How to rejuvenate the body and to saturate the body beneficial trace elements, if diet is not your choice? A great option is the regular consumption of mineral water. A huge number of advantages of this drink don’t know everything. 1. Calcium Mineral water contains …

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Hyperthyroidism in pregnant women

The prevalence of hyperthyroidism in the U.S. is approximately 1% (up 0.4% clinical and 0.6% – subclinical). The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is graves ‘ disease, which is 5-10 times more common in women with a peak incidence in the reproductive age. Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is not uncommon, and …

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Some of the main signs of a diseased kidney

Kidney disease in the modern world represent one of the most serious problems. The kidneys filter 10-150 liters of blood daily. They keep the blood healthy and are essential for all body functions. The kidneys regulate levels of electrolytes to support bone healthy and strong state, create more red blood …

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Deep vein thrombosis – symptoms that you need to know

Deep vein thrombosis is a dangerous pathological condition. I have to admit that we don’t like to go to doctors and often just ignore the problem instead recognize it and begin to heal. But there are diseases, and ignoring them can be expensive. Sometimes in the presence of certain symptoms …

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Healthy foods to cleanse and restore the liver

TOP 10 foods to cleanse the liver.The liver helps the body to clean the blood from toxins and harmful substances. As a result of many feeling tired, weakness, but not everyone knows that it is connected with the condition of this important body. Here are a few signs that may …

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How computer games affect men’s health

Computer games lead men to impotence.Over the past twenty years the number of men suffering from impotence has increased significantly, which is associated, in particular, with a large spread of computer games. According to the head of the Russian professional associations of sexologists Eugene Kulgavchuk, currently about one third of …

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Scientists named products, extending the life

Fatty foods to prolong life.The study by researchers from Harvard University have shown that healthy fats increase life expectancy. The study, which lasted more than 30 years, showed that people who regularly consume unsaturated fats have a much lower risk of early death. . Scientists say that polyunsaturated and monounsaturated …

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Called foods that cause headache

Experience headaches — it’s time to stop using these 5 products.According to statistics, 90% of all people in the world are familiar with the headaches firsthand, that is, at least once in life have experienced it. There are many factors affecting the occurrence of headache from chronic diseases to hormonal …

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Named unexpected the cause of excess weight

The cause of excess weight – in the brain, according to doctors.The experts came to the conclusion that the main cause of excess weight are the failures in the activities of the brain. It is reported that the initiators of the laboratory project were employees of the clinical centre, located …

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