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These foods accelerate fat burning

Regular consumption of these products helps to reduce weight without major effort. When it comes to weight loss, consumption of correct kinds of products can play the same role as just smaller portions. Some foods can help keep blood sugar levels stable, while others feel full for a longer period, …

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Natural painkillers without side effects

People’s best pain relievers for various diseases.In the Arsenal of folk medicine many prescriptions of pain relievers that are effective in various diseases of the digestive and urinary system. Berries of Actinidia and the juice of them, taken by mouth, have analgesic effect in many internal diseases. Infusion of leaves …

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Fruit diet will help to lose weight

3 days on a fruit diet you can lose up to 3 kg of excess weight.During the fruit diet should not worry due to the fact that will worsen the condition of skin, hair or nails. On the contrary – thanks to the vitamins and minerals contained in the fruit, …

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How to relieve stress without drugs and alcohol

5 best ways to get rid of fatigue and stress.Stress is often seen as a normal phenomenon. But this “struggle” of the body due to everyday situations such as problems at work, or difficult relationships in your personal life. Minor changes to your everyday routine will reduce the tension. 1. …

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The best traditional medicines to cleanse the blood

Ginger, nettle and garlic are the best means to cleanse the blood.Adverse environmental conditions, poor nutrition and harmful addictions lead to slagging of the body. How to clean up blood at home. Nettle You can clear the blood at home with the help of nettles – this pungent herb is …

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How to get rid of stretch marks at home

How to make your skin perfectly smooth.This cream is a great way to both prevent stretch marks and fight them. The mixture was applied regularly on the body parts, which already have this cosmetic defect, and on all other parts once a week. Ingredients:3 tablespoons fresh cocoa butter1 teaspoon cosmetic …

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Named the most dangerous disease of the XXI century

The most common causes of death for people under the age of 70 years is called heart failure, cancer, lung disease and diabetes. The world health organization (who) produced a report in which it analyzed the statistics of deaths (excluding violent death) in recent years. It is established that most …

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Cancer prevention folk remedies

It is proven that certain herbs have antitumor effects and are indispensable in the fight against cancer.Many herbs contain compounds able to block tumor growth, reduce the spread of cancer cells or result in their death. Some reduce the toxic manifestations of chemotherapy, contribute to the normalization of life processes. …

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Five herbs that have anti-tumor properties

It is proven that certain herbs are indispensable in the fight against cancer. Many herbs contain compounds able to block tumor growth, reduce the spread of cancer cells or result in their death. Some reduce the toxic manifestations of chemotherapy, contribute to the normalization of life processes. One thing is …

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