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Named a new and effective way to overcome fears

Yoga will help you relax and cope with social anxiety. Yoga and other relaxation exercises is useful for people with social anxiety disorder. British scientists from Queen’s University found that relaxation is fundamentally changing the worldview of such people. Subjects were asked to look at the screens with dots marking …

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Product named for reducing the risk of colon cancer

Such are the qualities of oily fish. Just a few pieces of fatty fish a day can reduce the risk of death in patients with colon cancer. To such conclusion scientists from the Central hospital of Massachusetts. Victims of colon cancer can reduce the risk of dying of their disease …

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Doctors dispelled 10 myths about stroke

Stroke is a well known disease, whose existence gives rise to many myths. In order to adequately assess the patient’s condition effectively and be able to help him in everyday situation, doctors conducted the clarification of some misconceptions regarding the development of stroke. It is believed that as every day …

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The most useful products for detoxification of the body

Best products for cleaning the body of toxins.For thousands of years in many cultures around the world are trying different detox diet that helps the body to relax, cleanse and nourish it from the inside. Neutralization and elimination of toxins, additional intake of nutrients to help protect people from disease …

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Proven: red wine slows aging

All you need to know the measure. Scientists from Boston University (USA), came to the conclusion that the consumption of red wine protects against cellular aging, which may slow down the inclusion of the degenerative processes of old age, and the appearance stays youthful. Effect of red wine on the …

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Named the unique properties of meditation

How useful is meditation and why you should try this practice. Meditation is becoming increasingly popular and indispensable practice in the conditions of modern life. Now it is associated not only with spirituality and yoga, it is a valuable tool that helps to relax and improve many aspects of life. …

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Doctors told is it dangerous to swallow gum

Chewing gum without problems digest. Whether chewing gum can be hazardous to health if swallowed? How long it remains in the stomach, and should we worry if a child accidentally swallowed the gum. Contrary to the belief of many adults and children that swallowing gum is dangerous for health, nothing …

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