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Symptoms of liver failure: causes and symptoms

Liver failure is a clinical syndrome occurring in a partial dysfunction of the liver. The liver is very important for many functions in the body. It is therefore necessary to know the signs of liver damage and how to take care of her health. There are more than 100 different …

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6 products for breast enlargement

The main products for breast enlargement in your diet. For some women, small breast is a problem. So many of them choose plastic surgery to get the desired breast size. However, nature can help you with that. We list 6 very useful plants which have been proven can help to …

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What are the benefits of a cold shower

Cold showers are useful for all ages. A cold shower is much healthier for the health and beauty of the skin than hot. A few decades ago, a hot shower was a luxury that could afford only the very rich.Unfortunately, despite all the amenities, hot water is not as useful …

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Intestinal microflora is inherited

The scientific staff of the American University of Texas, located in Austin, proved that the intestinal microflora in humans is inherited. In previous years, scientists believed that germs can enter the body only from the outside. Also a large amount of bacteria people have inherited from the great apes, according …

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Doctors told about the unknown quality of honey

Usually all sure that the honey loses all its useful properties when placed in hot tea. Moreover, sometimes they even say that at this point it turns into poison. In fact, all the beneficial elements of honey in hot tea is stored. Enzymes denature when heated, as all proteins, but …

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Cancer treatments may change

If trials of a new method of treatment is successful, patients with breast cancer, prostate and intestine will be treated in the new way within two years. In the near future to patients for cancer treatment will be to receive individual lists of medicines, depending on the characteristics of their …

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Alcoholic beverages are called a cause of cancer

Alcohol consumption is the direct cause of cancer. This was stated by the doctors from New Zealand. Among the diseases, the development of which triggers the use of alcohol include cancer of the nasopharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum and breast. Alcohol, according to scientists, was the cause of 5.8 …

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Toothpaste from tooth decay don’t help, scientists say

Fluoride compounds found in toothpastes and means for rinsing the mouth, should ensure the prevention of caries. However, scientists have found that they are actually ineffective. The fact that the protective layer formed by fluoride on enamel is too thin. These data refute previous research. A specialist in experimental physics, …

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Healthy habits that harm the health

Wash every day with soap and to clean their teeth is not good As a rule, our habits can be attributed to the harmful or useful. And no one doubts that Smoking is harmful, but exercise in the morning — very useful. But it turns out that there are habits …

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Moderate fasting reduces the risk of many diseases

If you decide to fasting, it is advisable to do it regularly. According to American researchers, starvation is a real stress to the body. However, in this case this stress has a positive effect. After reviewing the results of research, scientists have found that people abstaining from eating every first …

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