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Named as one of the main causes of hair loss

Healthy hair essential zinc. Any woman always wants to be young and beautiful. To do this, girls and women monitor the health of the hair, buy new clothes and ornaments, and applied make-up. The hair was healthy, they must be regularly nourished with nutrients. One of the most common hair …

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Hydrogen peroxide will save from decay

To such conclusion scientists have come. Bacteria that live in dental plaque are the main cause of tooth decay, learned to avoid antibiotic therapy, hiding inside with the adhesive polymer of the biofilm on the tooth enamel. But now scientists have developed nanoparticles that effectively destroy plaque and prevent tooth …

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Scientists say that coffee has a placebo effect

Invigorating properties of coffee can be attributed to autosuggestion. Many of us sincerely believe that a Cup of coffee in the morning energizes us with power and energy, and not start things, not drinking this aromatic beverage. Studies show that the effect of coffee is nothing more than self-hypnosis. British …

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This berry has anti-cancer properties

Proven unique properties of raspberries. Experts from Clemson University conducted a study on animals. They found out that raspberry destroys cancer cells. Scientists gave the animals the extract of raspberry. In a result, more than 90% of the tumor cells of the intestine died. Long known that raspberry has antioxidant …

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Identify the key signs of high blood sugar in blood

The experts identified four symptom, which should know every diabetic. Eyes. When the blood sugar level grows, blood vessels in the eyes weaken, and the retina appear cholesterol deposits. Slowly they impair vision and lead to its loss, if this disorder is left untreated. Visit your doctor immediately if you …

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Top 8 natural antibiotics, which are in every house

Natural antibiotics can be found in every home. When a person picks up a bacterial infection, the doctor prescribes him antibiotics. This is a fairly effective means, but unfortunately, they have a number of side effects. Eating them, you kill not only harmful bacteria, but also useful. In nature there …

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Simple rules of prevention of diseases of the pancreas

Healthy lifestyle better than a permanent cure. The pancreas is very important organ that performs both digestive and hormonal functions. Remember, the pancreas is virtually impossible to restore. Take care of it promptly! To preserve the health of this body, follow these rules. Follow the diet (for this you need …

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Product named for reducing the risk of prostate cancer

These properties are tomatoes. According to British scientists from the University of Bristol, eating tomatoes can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. The researchers studied the diet and lifestyle of 20 thousand men aged 50 to 69 years. It turned out that men who consumed more than 10 portions …

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Garlic bowel cleanse

Folk medicine extensively uses garlic for General cleaning of the body. A practice for bowel suggest daily for 1-2 weeks, if there are no contraindications to garlic (heart disease, ulcers, etc.) to eat in the morning (with nothing) small clove of garlic on an empty stomach. Chew it or suck …

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