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Named as one of the main causes of hair loss

Названа одна из главных причин выпадения волосHealthy hair essential zinc.

Any woman always wants to be young and beautiful. To do this, girls and women monitor the health of the hair, buy new clothes and ornaments, and applied make-up. The hair was healthy, they must be regularly nourished with nutrients. One of the most common hair problems is hair loss. This problem may be related to a zinc deficiency. In this article, you will be able to learn about the benefits of zinc for hair, and also about how to manifest a deficiency of this trace element.

Zinc accumulates in the skin, liver and retina. Normal amount of zinc is about two to three grams. This trace mineral is involved in the synthesis of amino acids, in regeneration and is responsible for the protective forces of the human body.

Deficiency of this trace element in children can slow growth, appear fatigue, may become more frequent colds. Also, when zinc deficiency hair fall, broken nails and there are various rashes. And hair can fall out of pockets.

The lack of this trace mineral is disturbed lipid balance, so it can appear dandruff or oily seborrhea. Some doctors say that zinc deficiency can cause early graying of hair.

Zinc helps vitamin E be absorbed into the body. This vitamin is necessary for hair healthy.

Quite often, zinc deficiency is diagnosed in the elderly, and those who eat junk food or sitting on an unbalanced diet.

To restore the normal amount of zinc in the body should eat foods that contain this trace mineral. Zinc contains in seeds, bran, mushrooms, nuts, eggs and seafood. If you eat a lot of protein, it would interfere with the absorption of zinc. Therefore, you should control the amount of protein foods in the diet.

You can buy pharmacy remedy which contains zinc. However, to use this tool should be in accordance with the instructions, as a possible overdose, which may cause nausea and dizziness.

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