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Summer products, which is the easiest way to get poisoned

Do not spoil your summer. In summer, the risk of being poisoned by the foods you used to eat in normal circumstances — “nothing.” Among the huge number of recommendations for the prevention of food poisoning experts were chosen not so obvious, like washing hands before eating and buy it …

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Scientists: Raw nuts prolong life

Raw nuts save you from serious ailments. People watching their weight, fear are nuts: they are high in fat and, consequently, calories. However, studies have shown that vegetable oils without heat treatment brings more health benefit than harm figure. Fats contained in nuts, for example, prevent development of many serious …

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What water can clean wounds

Cleaning the wound is an important part of the medical treatment of wounds of any degree of complexity. As shown by a recent study, purified or boiled water from the tap is fit for drinking, is also suitable for washing wounds, for example, at the downed child’s knees in the …

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Green tea affects brain activity

Scientists have discovered a new and useful properties of green tea. Drink known for its healing qualities, may make men smarter. Scientists conducted a study that confirmed the beneficial effects of green tea on memory and attention is that only a strong half of mankind.Scientists have discovered a new and …

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The milk will help smokers

Milk can help smokers to give up their bad habits. The data suggest Dutch researchers, milk, fruits, vegetables and fresh water worsen the taste of cigarettes. Coffee, alcohol and meat, on the contrary, did the taste of the cigarette more enjoyable. According to the head of research, Joseph McClernon, the …

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Why bad food cold food

Constant power on the principle of fast food, where the rolls and burgers washed down with very cold drinks, can lead to tragic consequences.In the 60-ies of the last century, doctors found a stay any food in the stomach depends on its temperature.If the food is warm, it is digested …

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Menopause and insomnia can accelerate the aging process

Studies have shown that menopause and insomnia are ageing women. Scientific work was conducted at the University of California in Los Angeles. In the course of work the experts came to the conclusion that menopause is often accompanied by insomnia, this in turn leads to various diseases and premature aging …

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The grapes affects the libido

A daily snack of dark grapes can enhance libido.Scientists from the University of Houston proved experimentally that a daily snack of dark grapes enhances libido. The dark grapes varieties is a natural aphrodisiac and a good anti-stress cure.Scientists from the University of Houston say that a daily snack of dark …

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