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Green tea affects brain activity

Зеленый чай влияет на мозговую активностьScientists have discovered a new and useful properties of green tea.

Drink known for its healing qualities, may make men smarter. Scientists conducted a study that confirmed the beneficial effects of green tea on memory and attention is that only a strong half of mankind.Scientists have discovered a new and useful properties of green tea. This drink is famous because it prevents the development of cancer, reduces blood sugar levels, and, consequently, the risk of stroke.

Earlier, Japanese researchers managed to establish that drinking green tea over 500 ml per day reduces the risk of memory disorders in the elderly by 50%. This year, in the Netherlands conducted an experiment during which found that drinking green tea increases the health of the brain in men.

In total, the experiment took a total of 44 people. Volunteers were divided into 2 groups: some of them drank a Cup of green tea one hour before testing, while others had not been drinking. The scientists measured the brain activity of subjects during mental work. The study found that men who drank green tea were more careful when performing tasks, and overall had the best performance.

Such results are explained by the chemical composition of the studied beverage. In green tea, in addition to known for his “crisp” property of caffeine, contains L-theanine (an amino acid, a natural relaxant). It is this combination, according to experts, helps to concertize attention when performing mental tasks.

The source does not explain why the Dutch chose as subjects the representatives of the strong half of mankind. So while green tea’s effect on mental activity of women remains unknown. But American scientists revealed that strong green tea with honey and lemon juice can increase the Breasts, because it stimulates the activity of the mammary gland.

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