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Massage better tablets relieves pain

The experts found that professional massage has strong analgesic properties. The effect of a professional massage can persist for several weeks, according to U.S. experts. American doctors used massage as a means of relieving pain. Probably will not find almost not a single person, who would not like a professional …

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Scientists have named the happiest time of the day

When we all feel better in the morning, afternoon or evening? This question has interested scientists from Cornell University (USA). It turns out most people are experiencing the most positive emotions in the morning. The Americans examined more than 500 thousand people from 84 countries. The researchers note that a …

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Carrots are good for lung function

Raw carrots have long been recognized as one of the most useful products As a rule, recommend this vegetable to young children and adults but it is useful to include in your diet carrots. Recent scientific studies have shown that carrots contain beta-carotene, which improves lung function, as in non-smokers …

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A tan can be dangerous

According to who, every year 60 thousand people die from exposure to high doses of ultraviolet lightThis is the sad conclusion came the American and British scientists. According to experts, tanning, and skin cancer occur when DNA damage that occurs due to exposure to UV rays. But many people, especially …

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These habits can lead to the appearance of wrinkles

It must wait for each girl. Each of us is thinking about how to keep their skin young and supple as long as possible. We spend a lot of money on expensive skincare and miracle creams, but reduce all efforts to nothing of your bad habits that accelerate the appearance …

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Psychologists told what time of day people are most happy

Most people experience more positive emotions specifically in the morning. When we all feel better in the morning, afternoon or evening? This question has interested scientists from Cornell University (USA). It turns out most people are experiencing the most positive emotions in the morning. The Americans examined more than 500 …

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Called best exercises to correct poor posture

They are especially useful for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then the following set you need! We offer you three simple exercises that when regularly performed, will help you to forget about the slouching and the back problems. 1. Squat for good lower backStand …

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Discovered the relationship between stress and memory

Stress helps to more clearly remember the events. Memories associated with fear or joy, stronger and more clearly neutral. Researchers from the laboratory of cold spring Harbor in new York (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA) found that this is due to increased levels of norepinephrine in the brain. Stress-induced increase …

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Imported products which are better not to buy

Exotic fruits and vegetables can be dangerous. Belief in the advantages of imported products are not always confirmed by practice. Especially if we are talking about products made from exotic regions of the Asian and African continents. European market rarely suffers from a lack of supply of fresh fruit and …

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This oil is perfectly cleanses the liver

The oils have many useful properties. It should be noted immediately that liver cleansing with oil, an incredibly effective method of purifying and restoring the health of the whole body, is not suitable for everyone. This is due primarily to the very regime that should be followed, and also with …

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