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Called best exercises to correct poor posture

Названы лучшие упражнения для исправления плохой осанкиThey are especially useful for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then the following set you need! We offer you three simple exercises that when regularly performed, will help you to forget about the slouching and the back problems.

1. Squat for good lower back
Stand with your back to the wall (distance 10 cm). Feet shoulder-width apart, straight arms raise up. Perform the squat – when you touch the back wall, press to her lower back, scapula and shoulders and go down even lower until the knees form a right angle. Hold for 30-60 seconds.

2. “Plank” for good press
Take position as in push-UPS, lean on the forearm. The main weight of the body shift in his arms. Without losing balance, bend your left leg at the knee and double-pull your heel to your buttock. Return leg to starting position, repeat with the right foot. 10 times.

3. Rotation for apart
Take a towel, roll into a bundle. Straighten your back, feet shoulder width apart. Stretch your arms in front of you and pull the towel so that his hands were diluted as much as possible. Raise your hands and get back as far as you can. Count to five. Back to the original position. Repeat 5 times.

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