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Honey water will help to lose weight and gain energy

A great tool for a total body honey water. Drinking warm water with honey helps to relieve from fatigue, eliminate the heaviness in the stomach and intestinal discomfort, as well as to cheer up and to restore the health of the body. Honey activates the body’s defenses and promotes healing …

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Called foods that worsen brain function

It is better to avoid. Many people know that the brain stimulate salmon, nuts and berries. However, there are some products that can cause brain fog, memory loss and even develop Alzheimer’s. Six foods that harm the brain, look like this: Artificial sweeteners. Neurologist David Perlmutter notes that artificial sweeteners …

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These natural remedies will make your hair beautiful

They will surprise you with their results. Hair are an integral part of the image. It depends on them largely depends the beauty. Also the condition of the hair can tell a lot about health. Unfortunately, time leaves its mark on the hair, but attentive care, the right care and …

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Effective and affordable recipes for body cleansing

Smoothie from simple ingredients will help improve your health. Spring is the best time for cleansing the body after the “heavy” and not always healthy winter eating it with mayonnaise salad, fatty meat and a lasting desire for something sweet. In turn, young vegetables, greens and herbs can make the …

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Beauticians called the main enemies of beautiful skin

The skin not only harms the Smoking and stress. You carefully care for the skin, with properly selected means, not zealous with sweet. But for some reason the complexion is not pleased with the appear of inflammation. Raskruchivaem the five factors that are taken away from you beauty. Stress, Smoking, …

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The doctors called the basic rules of protection from cancer

The experts from the world health organization. Experts from the world health organization has published 12 items, aimed at preventing cancer. Doctor Joachim Suez, who led the study, explained: “these are recommendations where you can change your behavior.” These recommendations: 1. Do not smoke. Do not use any form of …

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This drink will protect you from a heart attack

Two glasses of red wine a day reduces the risk of heart attack by 50% Famous English cardiologist Dr. William Macrea said that over the past 10 years was prescribed red wine as a means to prevent heart attack, more than 10,000 of their patients. By the way, and the …

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