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Media: In the South of Russia found a record crude oil reserves

Media: in the South of Russia found a record crude oil reserves

today, 10:22 | Sergey Bolotov

Astrakhan oil, the status of “Made in Russia” for foreigners, the sentence of Nadezhda Savchenko and the secret to successful weight loss — in the press review from “Reedus”.

СМИ: На юге России нашли рекордные запасы нефти

Collage © Ridus.ru

СМИ: На юге России нашли рекордные запасы нефти

Astrakhan region sets records for oil and volume of deposits, reports “Russian newspaper”.

Recent geological discoveries in the Astrakhan region make this region one of the most promising in terms of oil and gas production. According to the government of the Astrakhan region, the fields in the Filanovsky and Korchagin contain more than 270 million barrels of oil equivalent. A few years ago in the Astrakhan region opened a Deposit with a reserve of 330 million tons of oil and 99 billion cubic meters of dissolved gas. It was called “the Great”. It is the largest oil field found over the last 26 years in Russia. The new Astrakhan source there is another unique advantage: the raw material is there, but almost no hydrogen sulfide. The approximate cost of “Great” — $ 1.1 billion.

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