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Medco explained why to the Breakfast should eat hot chocolate

Медки объяснили, почему на завтрак надо есть горячий шоколад Hot chocolate is a popular drink, especially in cold weather, that is fraught with many advantages.

It not only protects from cold but also helps to improve overall health. For a long time, hot chocolate was used to treat a variety of diseases and of struggle with a bad mood.

So, what advantages has all your favorite drink, and what is he so useful?

Increases mental alertness

As studies have shown, drinking hot chocolate helps to maintain the proper level thinking skills and to improve your overall intellectual health. Contained in the drink beneficial plant substances flavinoid increase blood flow and oxygen to the brain, which activates the area of the brain and helps to think.

Has antioxidant properties

Hot chocolate contains more antioxidants than wine or green tea. In addition, the use of this drink is a delicious way to get to the body powerful antioxidant properties of chocolate. However, when there is a heating hot chocolate of the antioxidants is released.

Improves mood

This tasty beverage helps to deal with such unpleasant phenomena as stress, depression and anxiety. Thanks to hot chocolate, which stimulates endorphins – the “happiness hormone”, improves mood and increases vitality.
Has a positive effect on blood pressure

Due to the content of flavinoids decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing blood pressure and improving the functioning of blood vessels. Hot chocolate should be drunk in moderation as it contains sugar and saturated fats.

Helps with fight against excess weight

The drink will help to achieve the desired goal and to lose weight. With proper preparation hot chocolate serves delicious and low-calorie drink that can be enjoyed every time when I want to buy chocolate.
Hot chocolate, which should take no more than 2 cups daily, has several advantages and serves as a kind of a certain drug. The main thing – to limit added sugar. The less sugar in the drink, the better for health.

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