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How chocolate affects heart health

Как шоколад влияет на здоровье сердцаEating chocolate – the pros and cons.

You dying to eat a piece of chocolate? When you are in the store, that kind of irresistible force pulls you to the side shelves with this incredible treat?

Don’t fight with yourself — that you almost can’t resist the sweet temptation, does not mean that you have weak character.

It is likely that the way your body signals you that it lacks the necessary for correct functioning of nutrients or trace elements. And chocolate a lot of them, so why not combine the pleasant with the useful?

What good is there in chocolate?

The use of chocolate is really important – because it contains such important health minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and copper, and vitamins B6, B2, A, E, B3 and B12. Fenilatilamin stimulates the release of endorphins in the body — the “happy hormone”. It induces euphoria, improves health, reduces the destructive role of stress.

Doctors are increasingly paying attention are good for our health impact of flavonoids — natural antioxidants from the category of polyphenols, and the richest source of which is the chocolate, and also tea, coffee and red wine. It is believed that they have anti-cancer properties, improves the function of blood vessels, inhibit atherosclerotic changes, prevents the development of coronary heart disease

According to studies, several slices of chocolate per day lead to the fact that platelets have a lower tendency to coagulation (sticking together) that prevents blood clots. Chocolate works almost like aspirin, but it is much tastier!

What about the cholesterol?

Chocolate contains very little cholesterol. Moreover, studies show that in chocolate is stearic acid may reduce levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and increase the level of “good” HDL! Studies also show that the available chocolate polyphenols can slow the oxidation of LDL and reduce the indicators of platelets activity. Stearic acid is 35% of the total content of fatty acids in the chocolate to 35% butyric acid and 25% palmitic.

What? Where? When?

“And how much chocolate you can eat with benefit for health and well-being?”, often we ask. Scientists say that the optimal serving is 30 grams of chocolate every day — approximately one third of the tiles. Doctors believe that healthier only dark chocolate, because it contains less sugar and more cocoa.

While nutritionists suggest chocolate with nuts or fruit, because that’s the way we deliver the body more healthy vegetable fats, and antioxidants. In addition, they claim that chocolate is good to eat heavy meals because it increases the secretion of bile needed to digest fats.

Research has found no proven link between the consumption of a larger than usual amount of chocolate and obesity. Moreover, the chocolate refers to the products with a low glycemic index less than 55 chocolate he is 22, and for milk and 49.

Consumption of the product with a low glycemic index causes slow and relatively small increase of sugar level in the blood and, as a consequence, a small increase of insulin. Therefore these products are not the cause of the formation of excess weight. Then what is the problem? The problem in the wrong balance of received and burned calories, and the lack of movement. The mechanism is simple. The person gains weight if eats more than his body can use. And out of this situation is simple: it will be enough proper and balanced diet and small changes in habits, to really enjoy the taste of chocolate without any restrictions. And yet, chocolate is very important during high physical activity.

If there is a holiday and expected a variety of madness, don’t forget about the delicious chocolate bar that will boost energy.

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