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Junk food can be healthy

Вредная пища  может быть полезна для здоровьяThe food we love, is very often harmful to our health.

However, in modern studies in the field of dietetics, it turns out all the more encouraging facts concerning the useful qualities of junk food. These facts are especially enjoyable for those who love good and tasty to eat.

It has long been known that dark chocolate and red wine in moderation good for health because they are antioxidants. More recently, however, scientists found out that sodium nitrate is contained in meat canned food, slows down the aging of that ice cream improves mood and that popcorn healthy exactly the same as whole grains.

The results of studies published in the scientific journal European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggests that pizza is so loved by the Italians, reduces the likelihood of heart attacks. And the probability of occurrence of esophageal cancer in those who eat pizza two or more times per week, less than 59%.

Italian nutritionists have found that coffee, without which many of today can not imagine my life, is a strong antioxidant and in moderation good for the heart. But scientists at Harvard University assigns a coffee protective qualities, helping people with diabetes.

Olive oil, a tablespoon of which contains more than 100 calories and so that is not recommended to eat doctors, relieves various types of pain is not worse than analgesics.

In cheese made from milk fat, contains a lot of calcium, good for bones. He is also the source of many vitamins such as vitamin a, B2, B12 and D.

For sweet lovers, too, there is good news. Scientists from London’s Institute of psychiatry has been proven that the ice cream almost immediately after drinking it activates areas of the brain responsible for the feeling of joy. Ice cream makes us happy!

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